1.) Do you take COD orders?
Ans. Yes, we do take C.O.D (Cash On Delivery) orders.
2.) Do you ship to International addresses ?
Ans. Yes, we ship to all prominent International locations. In order to be doubly sure about service to your region/country, please Whatsapp : +91 81782-87323
3.) What's your Return / Exchange policy ?
Ans. We offer a very transparent Return and Exchange policy. Please read it here
4.) When will I receive my order?
Ans. You will receive your order in 3-6 working days after the dispatch depending on the location in india.
5.) Do you have any physical stores?
Ans. theshoppingtree.in is a web-based retailer only. Although we are working on launching a store soon. May be in 2024 only :)
6.) Once I register on your site will I be able to view my order history?
Ans. Once you are registered on our site you will be able to view current orders as well as previous ones.
7.) I have bought an earrings from you. Its big for me. Can you exchange for some other products?
Ans. Yes we do have exchange option available in such cases. Just drop your Order Details on our WhatsApp : 8178287323, our team will help you with the process.
8.) I have chosen a necklace. I don't want the earrings or I want to chose an earrings which is shown in some other necklace set?
The products are combined with matching earrings only. Its not possible to mix and match between earrings shown in one necklace set with earrings shown in other necklace set.
9.) I have a picture of a Jewellery design. Can you make it for me?
Customers please note that we don’t make custom designs.
10.) I am also doing online business. I want your pictures without watermark. I will let you know once I have sold the item?
We sell only products and not pictures. Pictures which are uploaded in our website are meant for viewing the designs only.
11.) I received one of the pictures shown in your website from some other whatsapp number and the price was lower than shown in the website. I gave order and the product is not as shown in picture?
The Shopping Tree can assure that the products which are shown in the website will be as shown only if the orders are placed at www.theshoppingtree.in. There are many sellers, who copy the design and make a fresh piece with cheap raw materials made of zinc alloy and give it at very low prices. But the finishing will not be original. We have received many such complaints from customer who get the pictures that are shown in our website. The Shopping Tree is not responsible for any such loss arising out of such transactions.
12.) How can I Check the status of my order?
You can check the status of your order by the email notifications or WhatsApp that are sent to you. Also, you can log into your account.